Version1.0 Notes:
The 1.0 version currently works with .txt and .xlsx files. We are planning on adding .csv
on the next update. In addition to the update, we are planning on adding a table where
the important values will be displayed for easier readability. It is also possible to add as
many .xlsx or .txt files possible, we were able to plot three separate data files and
display their important values. Use the clear button to remove any plotted data to start
from the beginning. The ability to convert units post-run will be useful. We also would
like to add some back end code that will read the data inputted and terminate any unrealistic values that occur from error (negative stress and strain). Finally, we would
like to add the .2% offset line that works accurately for all materials. More materials and
data will need to be tested to fine-tune the parameters and provide more accurate